


Our tools support open standards data formats and open source toolkits, allowing for “build once, deploy many times”.

Toplevel has always supported an open development approach, and we recommend and use open standards for data stored within the systems that we build, which makes them open and easy to integrate with.

Integration and Open Standards

As part of our work with large public sector organisations we have extensive experience of integrating with other solutions to exchange data. We use open data formats e.g. XML data, PDF documents, and open standard techniques for integration e.g. SOAP/RESTful.

We are conscious of the need to drive down costs of building and managing integrations so we are a Scribe integration partner, which gives us access to rapidly configured integration connectors for 40+ popular software products including SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, SQL server and Oracle.

Open Source

Where security compromise has been identified as a low risk, we will leverage re-usable open source components to help reduce costs for our customers. For example Google maps and Bing maps are both popular with clients. We have experience of integrating with many CMS’s, including Drupal, Umbraco and WordPress.

We also have developed an open source GOV.UK toolkit, to complement our GCloud SaaS services which quickly adds GOV.UK page styling, and helps comply with GDS standards.

Get in Touch

For more information or if you have any queries, feel free to call, email or submit a contact form
Call us on: 01453 852700
Please provide any further detail that will help us with your enquiry