


Toplevel’s Cloud services are built with Government-level security at their heart. They are delivered from ISO 9001-2000 and ISO/IEC 27001 accredited datacentres.

Many organisations are under increasing pressure to deliver more for less through efficiency gains or delivering new and innovative services. Cloud services provide a way to lower operational costs and free up skilled resources for other important tasks.

Toplevel has been delivering services via the Cloud since 2005, so we’re fully equipped to deliver our solutions as a managed service. And with ISO 9001 and ISO / IEC 27001 accredited Virtustream as our data centre partner, we can also host for you with reliability and security levels that meet or exceed those of the best ’private cloud‘ providers. Our Cloud SaaS and installed digital case management solutions help the Public Sector meet the Service Standard quickly, securely and cost effectively.

The case management service we deliver via G-Cloud is offered as a complete Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering. The service is built on high availability clustered equipment, equipment is duplicated and has built-in failover to secondary hardware and automatically recover in the event of a hardware failure. It is continuously monitored and this, together with 24×7 engineering support, allows us to maintain our high availability record, which exceeded 99.995% last year.

Our achievement of Pan Government Accreditation is testament to the fact that we meet industry gold standards.  Our service offerings are individually configured to meet specific customer need, and our concurrent pricing model gives public sector organisations the ability to control costs.

Get in Touch

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Call us on: 01453 852700
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